From Gordon West
Welcome ham radio instructors, and elmers, and club training officers, and teachers, and to all of us helping the ham radio service GROW!
Sign up here today for the free training materials we offer, to all of you, offering ham radio training. This site has been recently updated, so please sign up again.
Once you have signed in, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, and you may now download the following free training materials, which follow my book rearranged Q & As, plus my fun descriptions of the correct answers!
INSTRUCTOR GUIDES    Download one for Technician, one for General, and one for Extra! No-worry about the print/valid dates - the 3 guides closely follow my re-arranged question order, with some fun demos you can pull off in class, or over the internet! Page numbers may be one or two off, but no-worry, you will see where everything matches up!
PRE-STUDY QUIZZES     Download Technician, General, or Extra, and let the students work over the quizzes before you start teaching each sub-element. This gets them to review ahead of time what you will be teaching in class, or over Zoom. Page numbers for each sub-topic will make it easy for them to spot the correct answer to these fun quizzes which are fill in the blanks.
PAST NEWSLETTERS   The http://WWW.HAMINSTRUCTOR.COM site contains my past instructor newsletters, with more fun ideas to make your training a complete success! Download them to see all the hints I offer for a fun class!
POWER POINT SLIDES with Q & A     Download  these as a back up to your in-person training. We have all three levels to cover Technician, General, and Extra. Run them during breaks, or at the end of each sub-element training - don't just run the PPt by themselves - students want YOU to guide them through these topics - use them to further illustrate what a band pass filter looks like, or what a Hex Beam will play on their roof....to the chagrin of their next door neighbor!
The HAMINSTRUCTOR.COM site also has a section for your upcoming classes. Get your contact information in this area, even if you are still looking for the right location and date. This allows me to recommend YOUR class when they call me in California for classes in the U.S.
I CAN STOP IN AND SAY HI, too! If you have a classroom full of students, or a Zoom training session, I am happy to accept a Zoom or Skype or GotoMeeting invitation, too!  Call me first at 714 549-5000 for a date!
CLASSROOM BOOKS AT A DISCOUNT   You can send your students to HAM RADIO OUTLET, and other ham dealers for my book - most dealers have them in stock. Amazon can ship almost next-day with Prime, too!
YOU can also bring in the books, in a quantity discount, by calling our esteemed friendly publisher, RICK BARUCH, at 847 363-2704
No need to send your students around town to try and locate local exams - the W5YI-VEC system can test your students individually, or better yet, right in your classroom, as a group! The W5YI-VEC offers the most sessions of any examination group, and offers tests every day of the week, day or evenings, and on weekends too! I am part of their test team, so your students can meet me as the author, too!
In fact, your students can call me with any questions they may have at 714 549-5000 Monday through Thursdays, 10am to 4pm, California time.
YOU TOO - call me and let's talk classes and our exclusive Gordon West training materials!
OK - YOUR TURN......sign up with http://WWW.HAMINSTRUCTOR.COM right now and get all our free training materials!
I am the only ham radio training author THAT COMES WITH THE BOOKS! Try me...714 549-5000 , California time 10am to 4pm, M - Thu!
Or, E me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Best teaching success!
Gordon West
60 years as a ham, 44 years in training