Study with the Best - Teach with the Best  Gordon West !!

Be a Registered Instructor with the Gordon West Ham Instructor Program.

Using Gordon West study manuals in your amateur radio classes offers your students the very best in study materials available today!

Gordo's study manuals reorganizes the question pools into logical study and teaching order. All questions on similar topics and subject are grouped together along with Gordo's easy to understand explanations of the correct answer.

Gordon's study materials are now available from ARRL.


NOTE: This is a NEW site.   Your old registrations no longer work.   You must create a new account,  An email will be sent to the email address to confirm the registration email is real.   You must cut and paste the url to confirm your account.  Once confirmed your request for a new account will be sent to W5YI for activation.   This site is for Instructors only!